Sunday, March 26, 2017

Study the capability of the RF transmitter ( FS1000A/XY-FST) and the receiver (XY-MK-5V).


Top is ( FS1000A/XY-FST) and the bottom RF receiver (XY-MK-5V).

Use Arduino to produce square wave, and as power supply to the Tx.  A small capaceter add to data pin to reduce noise.

There are three pin.  From let to right are: Data pin, Vcc pin, and GND pin

Rx circuit

Pin from the left to the right are: Vcc, Data1, Data2, and GND.  Note: Data 1 = Data 2

25us delay

The lowest stable frequency is 2Hz.  The receiver's voltage is ~4V.

When frequency is too low, receiver cannot work normally

The highest stable working frequency is 17KHz

1KHz 5% duty cycle work stably

1KHz 95% Duty cycle is not stable.  But, 90% is stable.

The operational frequency range:

  • 2Hz to 17KHz with digital signal only

Power Consumption Range:

  • Rx::30mW, =5Vx 6mA
  • Tx: 35mW=5Vx7mA

Transmission range:

  • 50ft distance in house and with 4 layer of dry wall has been tested
  • Max distance is to be tested...  


  • This is a simple and effective device digital RF Tx/Rx work.  It can work with or without Arduino.  If use it working with Arduino, you may not need library at all.  
  • Try to avoid sending and low frequency signal because it is unstable at low frequency.  During idle time, try to send a based frequency as well.  It does not work well with DC signal (H or L) signal.

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